
Which countries can I travel to during the autumn holiday?

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Which countries can I travel to during the autumn holiday?


The world has, since March 2020, been turned upside down. Due to the corona pandemic, many people have been staying at home instead of traveling. Although brighter days are ahead and the world is slowly opening up again. To the hopeful travelers who can't wait to explore the world. Here is your guide to the places you can travel to during your autumn holiday.


What do the guidelines from the ministry of foreign affairs in your country say?

The ministries of foreign affairs in most EU countries regularly keep their guidelines and instructions up to date so you as a traveler can feel safe and secure when going on vacation. Here at Refundmore, we highly recommend you follow the guidelines from your ministry of foreign affairs before you decide your holiday destination. Also, on the website,, can you seek more information about the required documentation of vaccination, immunity, and test results for your country of destination in Europe. Some countries may have some specific restrictions and requirements in regards to managing the Covid-19 situation. The IATA Travel Centre has gathered all the information you need as a traveler going outside of Europe. 


The following map below is a Covid-19 Travel Regulations Map provided by IATA, which shows the different levels of restrictions worldwide.

Which countries can I travel to?

As shown in the map, most countries are "Partially Restrictive," and a few are "Not Restrictive." These countries are possible to travel to by complying with a few restrictions and requirements. Very few countries are marked as "Totally Restrictive" and would therefore not be the ideal holiday destination due to a more challenging entry process.  


Experience Europe's most famous and cultural attractions during your holiday

The majority of Europe is Partially Restrictive, so the opportunity to experience attractive cities such as London, Paris, Barcelona, or Rome is definitely a possibility. All of these cities have some famous attractions that you have to experience at least once in your lifetime. 

Whether it is enjoying a trip in the London Eye, going up the Eiffel Tower in Paris, appreciating the architecture of La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, or exploring Colosseum the old gladiator arena in Rome, is just a tiny glimpse of what the cities and countries have to offer.


If you prefer a vacation with long sunny hours and good swimming options, the possibility of traveling further south for a bit more tropical weather is also an option. Countries such as Thailand, Egypt, or Mexico are good options for a nice vacation with long and endless sunny hours.


If you prefer a shorter flight trip, countries like Greece and Spain offer the same kind of resort-like holiday.  


Be aware of

Here at Refundmore, we recommend following travel guidelines from the ministry of foreign affairs in your country, and remember to keep yourself alert as a traveler. Restrictions and requirements are continuously updated.


With that being said, your holiday should not be wasted on boring airport terminals, so if you as a passenger experience a cancellation or delay, remember your right to be compensated if your flight meets the requirements.  


Disclaimer: Only flight cases to, from, and within EU countries are handled at Refundmore. 


Published on 30/8 2021. The blog post is based on information and updates from Re-open EU and IATA's Travel Regulations Map (30 August 2021 08:30).


By Philip Brechmann