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*Please note that this is a press release for the Danish press and the content is accordingly
During this year's autumn holidays, Danish airports have seen a remarkable improvement with significantly fewer flight cancellations and delays - despite a record number of travellers.
The autumn holidays are traditionally one of the busiest periods at Danish airports. Families and holidaymakers flock here to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Fortunately, this year, the hustle and bustle hasn't had the usual consequences.
Airlines have greatly improved their delay and cancellation rates compared to last year when looking at flight cancellations and delays in the busiest isolated week of the year - week 42.
In week 42 of 2023, 20% of flights departing from a Danish airport were delayed and 3.6% were cancelled. This year, things look significantly better, as only 14.6% of flights were delayed and 0.4% were cancelled. A result that has likely made the travelling experience much smoother for many passengers.
Frequent delays at other European airports
While Danish airports have performed well this year, the situation is different at other European airports. When comparing the percentage of flight delays of 15 minutes or more, the UK was particularly affected. Here, London's Heathrow and Gatwick saw delay rates of 28.2% and 38% respectively, while 2.2% and 0.76% of all flights were cancelled. Even worse was Lisbon, Portugal, where over half of flights (56.9%) were delayed.
Danish airports are on the right
Danish airports are showing improvements both compared to last year and compared to other European airports. This positive development creates optimism at the flight compensation company Refundmore, which looks forward to continued improvements in the travel experience.
"We are happy to see an improvement in airline operations as it not only benefits travellers but also the industry as a whole. Our commitment to supporting air passenger rights will continue so that together we can ensure an even better travelling experience in the future", says Benedikte Bolvig Lund, Attorney and Legal Director at Refundmore.
However, there are still challenges with both cancellations and delays, so if you're among the unlucky ones who experienced a delay of over three hours or a cancellation, remember that EU travellers have up to three years to claim compensation for flight problems. You can calculate how much compensation you're entitled to if you've experienced travel problems in the last three years on the Refundmore's website.
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