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*Please note that this is a press release for the Danish press and the content is accordingly
45 percent of Danes travelling at Easter choose to fly to their holiday destination. Benedikte Bolvig Lund, Lawyer, head of lawsuit and expert in air passenger rights at Refundmore, gives an overview of the most important things air travellers should know about their rights.
Strikes, cancellations and delays can put a damper on the holiday spirit at Easter. Especially if air passengers don't know their rights in case their flight is delayed or cancelled.
Because it can be a time- and energy-consuming struggle to claim the compensation you're entitled to if problems occur on your flight.
"Airlines are usually aware of whether or not they have to refund money the moment they cancel a flight. Of course, airlines must inform passengers of their rights, but they usually don't do so until they are asked," says Benedikte Bolvig Lund.
Founded in 2014 and acquired by Flightright in 2021, Refundmore has helped more than 400,000 air travellers who have received more than DKK 400 million in compensation from airlines.
More air travellers at Easter
Almost half of Danes travelling at Easter fly to their holiday destination. This is according to a study by Kanter Media for Europæiske ERV. Copenhagen Airport expects around 1.5 million travellers through the airport during the Easter weeks. That's a lot of travellers, and it's not certain that the journeys will be trouble-free for everyone.
That's why it's a good idea to familiarise yourself with your rights in advance, explains Benedikte Bolvig Lund
"Many air travellers don't know their rights. For example, many don't realise that they can buy a ticket themselves in the event of a flight cancellation and get the airline to refund the cost of the new ticket if it doesn't offer an alternative," says Benedikte Bolvig Lund.
Here are the five most important things to be aware of if you experience problems while travelling:
You are entitled to catering if you have a long wait at the airport
If travellers have a long wait at the airport, they are also entitled to care in the form of drinks, meals, phone calls and even hotel accommodation. If the flight is delayed by more than five hours or cancelled altogether, passengers can choose whether they want a full refund or free alternative transport from the airline.
You are entitled to compensation for delays of more than 3 hours
If passengers arrive at their destination more than three hours late, they can claim up to DKK 4,500 in compensation from the airline. Passengers are also entitled to compensation for missed connecting flights. However, both flights must have been part of a single booking. You are also entitled to compensation if you were rebooked on another flight and arrived at your destination at a much later time.
If the flight is cancelled less than 14 days before departure, you are entitled to compensation.
If the flight is cancelled, passengers are always entitled to either a ticket refund or alternative transport, which the airline must offer them. If the airline informs passengers of the cancellation less than 14 days before departure, passengers may be entitled to compensation of up to DKK 4,500. If you book a replacement ticket for a cancelled flight yourself because the airline does not offer a replacement flight, it is possible to get a refund of the more expensive ticket.
Sudden flight crew strikes entitles you to compensation
According to the European Court of Justice, a sudden strike by airline staff (pilots, flight attendants, ground staff) organised by trade unions is not an extraordinary circumstance and the airline must therefore compensate passengers affected by cancellations and delays. If a strike leads to a flight being cancelled at short notice or severely delayed, airlines are obliged to organise alternative transport for travellers as soon as possible. If airline staff go on strike, travellers may be entitled to compensation of almost DKK 4,500. Passengers may also be entitled to compensation if airlines have not taken all reasonable measures to minimise the consequences of the strike.
You have three years to claim compensation for flight problems
EU air travellers have three years to claim compensation for their flight problems. Passengers can calculate how much compensation they are entitled to if they experience problems with their travel plans during Easter on the Refundmore's website.
The above are the applicable rights for air passengers in case of cancellation or delay in the EU Air Passenger Rights Regulation: Air travellers can read more about EU passenger rights and check if they are entitled to compensation here.
Disclaimer: All information in the press release is based on the data available to us. The data is reliable but does not claim to be complete.
About Refundmore
Refundmore is a Danish company founded in 2014. We help Nordic air passengers get financial compensation from airlines for flight delays, cancellations and overbookings.
Over the past 10 years, Refundmore has helped more than 400,000 air travellers who have received more than DKK 400 million in compensation. We win 98% of the cases we take on, and we only charge when we can give the air traveller the good news that compensation is on its way. If, contrary to expectations, we don't win, it doesn't cost anything.
In 2021, Refundmore was acquired by Flightright - one of Europe's leading players in air passenger rights. This has given us more air under our wings and more muscle to help even more Danish and Scandinavian air travellers.
In Denmark, we currently have 50 employees, and together with Flightright we have more than 200 colleagues in Europe. We share a common mission: We give fairness, time and money back to travellers.
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