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*Please note that this is a press release for the Danish press and the content is accordingly
Travel companies are reporting high interest in holiday bookings in the south during the busiest isolated week of the year - week 42. The high demand means that many travellers are expected, which can lead to delays and cancellations. Benedikte Bolvig Lund, lawyer and legal director at Refundmore, shares five important rights you need to know as a passenger in case of an accident.
The autumn holidays are just around the corner, and a record number of Danes are choosing to fly to sunnier and warmer climes. The major travel agencies are experiencing a massive increase in sales of autumn holidays compared to the same time last year.
In general, it seems that the Danes' desire to travel is on the rise. According to Statistics Denmark, there were 16.5 million departing passengers from Danish airports in 2023, which is 2.5 million more passengers and an increase of 18% compared to 2022. Looking at Copenhagen Airport alone, there was an increase of 2.3 million passengers in 2023, or 21% more departing passengers compared to 2022.
"With increased traffic at airports, there is a risk that not everyone's journey will run smoothly. That's why it's important that you as an air passenger are aware of your rights if delays or cancellations occur en route. There's no doubt that strikes, cancellations and delays can put a damper on an otherwise good holiday - especially if you don't know your rights. That's why it's so important to get informed in advance," says Benedikte Bolvig Lund.
Know your rights before the accident happens
Getting the compensation you're entitled to can be a time- and energy-consuming struggle, but here are the five most important things air travellers should be aware of in case of problems:
1. Entitlement to catering during long airport waits
If you experience a long wait at the airport, you are entitled to catering, including drinks, meals, phone calls and even hotel accommodation. For delays over five hours or a cancelled flight, you can choose to get a full refund or free alternative transport from the airline.
2. Compensation for delays of 3 hours or more
If you arrive at your destination with a delay of more than three hours, you can claim compensation of up to 600€ from the airline in question. This also applies to missed connecting flights, provided that both flights are part of the same booking.
3. Do not sign or accept offers that may limit your rights
For example, accepting a voucher may mean that you lose your right to compensation. Therefore, always make sure to check what the offer or voucher means for your right to compensation before you accept it.
4. Entitlement to compensation for sudden strikes
According to the European Court of Justice, sudden strikes by airline staff (pilots, stewards/stewardesses, ground staff) organised by trade unions are not an extraordinary circumstance. Therefore, the airline must compensate you for both cancellations and delays caused by these strikes. If the strike causes your flight to be cancelled at short notice or severely delayed, the airline is obliged to arrange alternative transport as soon as possible. If the airline has not taken all reasonable measures to minimise the impact of the strike, you may be entitled to compensation.
5. Three-year deadline to claim compensation for flight problems
EU air travellers have up to three years to claim compensation for flight problems. You can calculate how much compensation you are entitled to if you experience problems with your travel plans during the autumn holidays on the Refundmores website.
The rights just mentioned are laid out in the EU Air Passenger Rights Regulation. For more information on EU passenger rights and to check if you are entitled to compensation, read on here.
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